Primary Dimensions

Vidwat Parishad

Vidwat Parishad plays a major role to prepare master trainers for various dimensions and to communicate its philosophy to society.

Research & Development Wing

Bhartiya Shiksha Shodh Sansthan, an apex research institute of Vidya Bharati, came into existence in 1980 with the inspiration of Honorable Sri Bhao Rao Devras Ji. It is located at Nirala Nagar, Lucknow. Housed in a three-story building it has a well-equipped library, psychology lab, computer lab, conference hall, and guest rooms.

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Aims and Objectives

Accepting Indian culture, philosophy of life as the foundation of children’s education and growth of integrated personality, the following are the aims and objectives of the Institute -

  1. To publish useful literature based on Indian culture, ideals, values, and spiritual beliefs, keeping in view the present structure of education.
  2. To establish centers in different parts of India for the study of all types of problems related to education.
  3. To organize seminars, workshops, and symposia with a view to develop mutual cooperation amongst faculty and research scholars.
  4. To do all types of work for developing the feeling of unity and brotherhood among all the social groups of the Indian society.
  5. To provide facilities for the study of Indian philosophy, psychology, history, sociology, and other subjects, and to arrange and publish lectures of eminent scholars of these subjects.
  6. To acquire land and construct buildings for the Institute and arrange residential, library, and other facilities for visiting researches including an arrangement of residence for salaried workers and non-salaried officials of the Institute.
  7. To provide financial help or scholarship to bright researchers for research and arrange hostel facilities for them.
  8. To publish a journal for educational research articles.
  9. To study the social and educational problems for the development of poor, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe, and backward class children and children residing in villages and remote areas.
  10. To establish harmony between science & spiritualism and on its basis to offer suggestions for a sound system of education.
  11. To make the study of Yoga in education comprehensible.
  12. To educate students and teachers from any part of the world in Integral education viz. physical, vital, mental, psychic, and spiritual.
  13. To arrange a better library facility for providing knowledge of educational psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, and other subjects.
  14. To study the educational problems of the village region.
  15. To act as a distribution and information center of research and welfare activities of social bodies and Government agencies working in the field of education.
  16. To organize camps for children and youth of the country for education and training.
  17. To provide and seek cooperation from other institutes of research and training of states, national and international level working in the field of education and training.
  18. To prepare research projects on education, philosophy, Indian culture, and other related subjects and submit them to State, National, and International level Institutes for financial assistance.
  19. All the activities of the institute shall be for the welfare of the whole society irrespective of caste, class, region, gender, religion, or political beliefs.


At present, the library has approximately 5,000 books on Indian philosophy, psychology, education, and research methodology along with dictionaries, encyclopedias, journals, and survey reports, etc. primarily in Sanskrit, Hindi, and English. It has a well-equipped reading room with a reprographic section and audio-visual section. Various newspapers, magazines, periodicals, journals are available.


The psychology and the computer labs are well equipped.

Guidance and Counseling

The Guidance and Counseling cell of the Sansthan helps students in solving their, educational, vocational, and personal problems. Salient features are:

  • Help to adjust to the school environment.
  • Develop study habits and hobbies.
  • Provide extra help and special care for students with special needs.
  • Solve study-related problems, like low scoring, examination pressure, etc.
  • Help students in the selection of subjects at entry-level.
  • Inform students of careers available.
  • Career counseling and vocational guidance through aptitude and personality testing.
  • Counseling for personal and psychological problems.
  • Help those suffering from mental deficiency, depression and suicidal tendency.
  • Help in addressing emotional and behavioral problems

Sanskriti Bodh Pariyojana

The main objective of the activities is to evolve an education system based on the ideals of Indian Culture and, for that purpose it has undertaken the program, to establish and manage educational institutions at different levels for the physical, mental, intellectual, spiritual, and moral development of the child to render help in different fields and publication of books, magazines, folders, etc. and activities are being conducted according to these objectives.

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Activities Of Vidya Bharati Sanskriti Shiksha Sansthan In 2018-19 - Kurushetra

The main objective of the activities is to evolve an education system based on the ideals of Indian Culture and for that purpose it has undertaken the program to establish and manage educational institutions at different levels for the physical, mental, intellectual, spiritual, and moral development of the child, to render help in different fields and publication of books, magazines, folders, etc. and, activities are being conducted according to these objectives.

A brief description of these activities are given below.

Publication of Literature

For the extensive propagation of our culture, the publication of the books has been undertaken, wherein the various subjects like an eminent scientist of ancient India, mathematicians, the stories of great luminaries, Indian education, etc. have been compiled.

With a view to providing good literature to the society our Institution is seeking collaboration with other publishers, and making available to the readers the worth-reading material, acquiring from these publishers and displaying in various book fairs organized it different places in the country. Along with this, a C. D. titled ‘Archna’ has been prepared to create a value-based atmosphere in the schools. The number of the publications of Vidya Bharati and also of others publication is given below:-

Vidya Bharati Publications 114
Other Publications 148

Books published by our Institution during this session:-

  1. Mata Jivan  Nirmata
  2. Gita   Anuchintan
  3. Mana Sab  Shaktiyon  ka  agar
  4. Vishva Chaitanya ki Anubhutiyan
  5. Pariyavaran aur Ham
  6. Ese the apne Bhau Rao Devras
  7. Balika Shiksha, Pathya Karam aur Marga Darshika
  8. Chanda Suney Kahani (multicolored)
  9. Smaranajali - Sv. Shende ji
  10. Bapu se sikhein

Newly Published:

1. Ham nirmana karta hein ya srijan karta
2. Lok ki kathayein
3. Panchkoshatmaka Vikas ke path par
4. Prakriti Ma
5. Sarvangeen Vikas
6. Janma din ka uphar
7. Vigyana ka Abhyas, apne aas pass
8. Vishwas ki Vijay

More than 22 Lakh students take the cultural Awareness Examination

With a view to transmitting the glorious culture to the new generation, the scheme of conducting cultural awareness examination was started in 1980, for fourth to twelfth Classes. The constant increase in the number of examinees is clear proof of its popularity.

This examination is being organized not only in Hindi but also being conducted in 12 Indian Languages including English, Punjabi, Assamese, and Telugu, etc. The detailed description of the total number of the students who participated in the examination in like this:-

Cultural Awareness Examination (For Teachers)

With a view to making the teachers conversant with the various dimensions of the lofty ideals enshrined in ancient culture, this examination is conducted every year on all india level. In this the parents/guardians of the students also participate along with the teachers.

In the year 1985, 3000 teachers took part in this examination conducted at three levels i. e. Praveshika, Madhyama, Uttama. Later on, a higher level of Prajna was also added. The detailed description of the teachers and the parents who participated in these examinations is like this:

Sanskriti Pravah Examination

The booklet ‘Sanskriti Pravah’ is establishing lofty ideals in the students, with the purpose of establishing the moral values through the inspiring episodes of ancient saints and sages. This book is being recited in about 6000 schools location in slum areas (Sanskar Kendras) being run all over the country. In this session, the total number of 23,989 participants took part in this examination.

All India Quiz and Paper Reading Competition

During the current session this All India Cultural Festival was organized at Kurukshetra from 23 to 25th November 2018.

An All India Quiz Competition was organized in
1. Sishu Varg
2. Bal Varg
3. Kishore Varg
4. Tarun Varg

A student Paper Reading Competition was organized for different age groups and this Competition was also organized separately for teachers.On this occasion, a glamorous exhibition titled ‘ Bharat Darshan Sanskriti Dirgha’ was also organized.

All India Essay Competition (For Students)

An essay competition is organized at all India level based on the important themes pertaining to sublime Indian spiritual culture, glorious history, the inspiring biographies of the luminous personalities and lofty traditions of his land, At school level this competition is organized in four categories viz. Shishu, Bal, Kishore and Tarun The topics of essays for the session 2018-2019 were prescribed as under:-

Shishu Varg - मेरी मातृभूमि मंदिर है (My motherland is a temple)
Bal Varg - भगिनी निवेदिता की भारत भक्ति (The dedication of sister Nivedita to Bharat)
Kishore Varg - योग: एक जीवन पद्धति (Yoga an orderly system for life)
Tarun Varg  - वर्तमान शताब्दी में भारत की प्रमुख वैज्ञानिक उपलब्धियां (Important achievements of India In the field of Science during the present century)

121 essays were selected from the essays received from 34 state Samities from all over India.

All India Essay Competition (For Teachers)

The essay writing competition for teachers is organized to generate interest of the teachers in self-study, original thinking. and reflection and creativity. During the session 2018-2019, 16+ essays were received from 35 state committees on the topic योगः कर्मसु कौशलमय् (The cessation of the modifications of Chitta is yoga.)

After their evaluation 11 best essays were selected for the award, the prize money of which is like this:-

- First prize - 5100/-
- Second prize - 3100/-
- Third prize - 2500/-
- Fourth prize - 2100/-
- Fifth prize - 1500/-
- and the rest six consolation prizes of 1100/- each.

Music Department

In order to make our students rich in multi-cultural talent, the Sansthan has established a Music Department in which regular classes of music are held for two hours daily. In this department, there is an arrangement for teaching classical Music, light vocal music, and instrumental music.

The arrangement exists for imparting training in Harmonium, Casio, Guitar, Sitar, Table, Dholak, etc. This center is recognized by Prayag Sangeet Samiti Allahabad. During the session 2018-19, 45 students have taken the examination. A need is being felt for its further expansion..

Participation in Book Fairs

With its objective that good literature of Vidya Bharati imbued with Bharatiya culture reaches the general population, the Sansthan is participating in all the book fairs organized all over the country, and make available its own literature as well as the literature acquired from the other co-operating institutions

Various Educational Functions and seminars held in the Institution

With the collaborating Institutions, Sansthan holds various cultural programs and seminars from time to time. During the session, 2018-2019 12 seminars/functions were organized by our Institution. Along with this, 23 functions were organized by various organizations of the town on the campus of Sanskriti Bhawan.


How effective an educational institution is, cannot be judged merely by its infrastructure or activities. The alumni are the true reflection of an institution. Vidya Bharati has identified this force and now Alumni Councils are being formed in every school. Some Alumni Forums at the state level have also emerged during the recent past.

The work of the Vidya Bharati Alumni portal (Vidya Bharati Purv Chatra Network) started almost 1 year 6 months back. This online portal is a platform for all Vidya Bharati Purv Chatra to get connected with their schools, batch mates, teachers, and students.

After successful registration, Purv Chatra can log in with their user name and password and get to know the various latest news, activities, and events of Vidya Bharati schools around India. Purv Chatra members from the portal can read or download various newsletters and publications which are being published on regular basis.

Alumni can share photos, and updates, or even initiate some discussions in the portal. Through this platform, interactions will be possible between Alumni and Students for mentorship and career guidance; Alumni can support various schools and initiatives of Vidya Bharati both financially and non financially.

Till April 2019, there are more than 6670 schools have registered in the portal. More than 75000 Alumni have joined the Alumni Network. More than 80000 students are part of the portal. Based on internal research we have found that Alumni who have registered, 28181 can be categorized under Student Community which means either they are doing graduation, post-graduation, higher studies, or yet to start any job. There are almost 6949 Alumni which can be categorized under the working community.

Research work still going on day to day basis so the exact numbers we will get to know in the months to come. The working Alumni are from various professionals as per the research done till now. There are above 1581 teachers, 1164 doctors,101 business persons, 679 engineers, 227 government employees 148 IT professionals, 145 bankers, 84 lawyers & judges, 93 Indian Defense professionals, 85 police professionals, 7 9 chartered accountants, 37 Directors/CEOs/MD, 30 Indian Railway professionals, 169 farmers, 20 scientists, 10 Indian Civil Service professionals.

Vidya Bharati Alumni are not only located in India but around the world. Till now through the portal 312 NRI Alumni have been associated. 161 Alumni are from the US, 25 from Canada, 19 from the UK, 18 from Australia, and from various other countries such as Dubai, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Korea, South Africa, Singapore, UAE, and Denmark.

A 10-member team has been formed in Kolkata that has been looking after the entire end-to-end operations - developing the portal, marketing the portal digitally, communicating with Alumni, talking with schools, and interacting with different stakeholders of Pranta and Kshetra.

Meet Our Amazing Team


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